Bred in a loving home


Registered boutique British
Shorthair Breeder melbourne

Cat Mum

Queen Violet

Violet is our first British Shorthair Queen and has been brought up in our home since we got her from our partner breeder, Lilyblue.



Felicity is the breeder behind Violicity British Shorthair cats. As you can tell, Felicity and Violet make Violicity. Out of love for the breed, the beauty and the companionship came the desire to breed the best British Shorthair pets for other families to enjoy.

Loving British Shorthairs


We breed and are mentored by well respected long time breeder Obanya from the Emerald area. We breed our kittens in the middle of our family home and therefore we keep our breeding very small so that we can concentrate on the temperament and socialisation of our kittens.

At home we have two small children who handle the kittens lovingly and affectionately, so our babies are well suited to families and are used to ALOT of love and attention. Our own first Queen, Violet, was bred by my Sister In Law in her own home as well, and we both continue to breed side by side ensuring our kittens and cats are well loved and cared for.


Our main passion at Violicity British Shorthair cats is breeding loving, affectionate British Shorthair kittens. How do we do this? The BSH breed aren’t known as a lap cat, however breeding them in a family home environment with small children that give them lots of love and affection makes our British Shorthair kittens super affectionate, confident and well rounded kittens. All our kittens come toilet trained, confident and bold. Their personalities shine and we’re really proud of our breeding temperaments as we have many happy new pawrents to show.